Well-made displays/POSMs, attract customer attention and influence the purchase decision
The point of sale (POS) is the space of the buyer final decision influencing the brand perception. Materials and finishes are a very important factor, which is why our main concern is to use high quality materials that will differentiate you from competitors. We make PVC stands and displays (Komatex, Forex, Komadur, Komaplus, etc.), acrylic plates (Plexiglas, Stiplex, etc.), Kappa, PAL, MDF, foamboard, cardboard, metal
For a visibile and attractive promotion, Inspot Design welcomes clients with displays, point of sales and unique commercial furniture assemblies
Shelf talkers, wobblers, counter wobblers, pallet wraps, floor displays, butaphors and special projects
Our team can carry out the design, production and installation at national and international level